The Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve is threatened by strip mining! Please sign this petition to help Terri Irwin stop the miners from destroying this rare and beautiful wildlife reserve.

Steve Irwin was one man--one man can make a difference--YOU can make a difference! Please sign and pass this petition on to everyone you know.
Check it out folks!! If you are wondering just where in the world the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve is located--check out the pictures I have put together from Google Earth imagery!!

It truly shows how remote the reserve is--and how beautiful! The sad thing is that the strip mining company wants to destroy this beautiful place--destroy the water, the land, the wildlife just like they have done a few miles to the southwest in the town of Weipa!! Check out the below series of Google Earth photos that illustrate the destruction Bauxite strip mining has on the environment.

Weipa from space and its proximity to the SIWR. You can see the destruction even at
this lofty elevation!
this lofty elevation!

Zooming in just look at how much of the land they have destroyed!

You can even see the gouge marks left by the machinery as it eats away at the earth!

On top of the obvious environmental destruction and lasting damage of strip mining--this is a VERY remote area, so remote that it would be hard for the general public and environmental watchdogs to keep an eye on the mining company. They could and would be able to get away with all sorts of irresponsible actions against the environment and nobody would know but them--we can not let that happen. We can not let the mining company turn the refuge into another Weipa!

If Steve Irwin were alive today what would he do--he would not ever give up until he stopped the miners from destroying this beautiful land. A wildlife reserve is just that--a reserve for wildlife to live away from the greedy humans--but is seems that no place is sacred when money and power are at stake. We all need to work together to help Terri Irwin stop the miners from forever destroying this wonderful place that is tribute to a wonderful man--Steve Irwin!
Please sign the petition and pass it on to Save Steve's Place
Thank you,
Steve O'Neil
Wildlife Warrior
Thank you,
Steve O'Neil
Wildlife Warrior
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